

And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. – [Luke 19:13 KJV] “Operation 6KILO” is our campaign to help 6000 members of the Armed Forces Community in the UK to start up a  business. Our FREE Business advice service is run by DJOKEY   […]



Education – Personal Development GOALS FOR FORCES , preparing the community for the job market. You don’t want to miss this course!!! Everybody needs some motivation, sometimes. Time to boost your  morale, confidence and aspirations. To achieve your dreams you must have a goal, believe it, be determined,  focus and work at it until you […]


About RHQ

Who we are: we are a high performing team and leaders making a positive difference in the lives of members of the Armed Forces community in the UK. We are passionate about what we do and believes that the Armed Forces Community deserves all the best from us. In RHQ we are all leaders, self […]